If you believe in me

His question was perhaps out of order, but Haku was known for blunting out with questions that he wanted answered, important or not. She had seemed uncomfortable with him from the first moment, and that was not common. Not like this anyway. Well, his rumour was not very good, so he could understand if she already had made up her mind. Whatever, their opinions mattered little to him. Her answer was honest enough, and now he could understand the woman much better. So she was one of them? A little rabbit in a wolf’s coat. Very well, they were all different, and Dahlia could not only hold strong individuals. As long as she was somewhat useful for the pack, he had no issues with her problem. Her question back almost surprised him. It was a good one nevertheless. He was her leader, her protector. The answer to her question should be no, but he did not like to lie unless he was forced to. ”Yes, you should.” His answer was simple and straight. It was true, he was monster, and she should be aware of that fact. As long as she was in Dahlia she would be safe (or so was he believed), but if she did anything to harm the pack the slightest way, then she would suffer greatly. He attempted to offer her a small smile, but it never reached his cool eyes. It was a serious subject, and he could not offer her any comfort that was not based on a lie.

”You say you’re afraid of everyone. Why?” He was a curious one, the Lilium of Dahlia de Mai. He wanted to know.


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