In search of a den.
ooc: Wow...I didn't realize how much dialogue I put into this post. I guess Rath really likes to talk, XD.
"Yes, Slay accepted me at the boarders. He certainly is quite friendly," Rath replied, his tail picking up a happy wag for a few moments as he remembered the large, piebald male who had come charging up to him when he first announced his presence at the boarders to the Dahlia de Mai pack lands. "To be honest I was quite intimidated by his large size when I first met him, although it quickly became apparent that my assumption of his personality had been wildly inaccurate. It makes sense that he would be a hunter in this pack, even more sense that he would be the head hunter.." The ruddy male loosed an amused laugh at the thought of how unnerved he was by the larger male at first. Rath, for someone as tall as he was, was not extraordinarily strong. His figure was relatively lean and while he did possess moderate strength, his presence was no where near as imposing as a large wolf like Slay. When Cwmfen inquired about the nature of his former homeland, Rath furrowed his brow and cocked his head slightly sideways, crossing his arms as in thought.
“It was quite the lovely place to grow up. I and my family inhabited a cabin on the northwestern end of a mountain range. I believe the name of the mountain range was the Appalachians. It was fairly cold and thickly forested. A good distance down the mountain from my home was an old human town, far smaller than Wolfville. It only had four of five structures in it. My father and mother would travel there on occasion to find replacements for the various human items that they liked to use. Every tool my father owned, he found down in that settlement. If it hadn’t been for the presence of that town, I never would have learned to make instruments or anything else.” He nodded to emphasize his words before he continued, “Most of the year, it was cloudy, but when the drier seasons came, the mountains would, in the span of just a few days, be covered with every color of wildflower you could imagine. I’ll never forget the first time I saw that happen. It absolutely took my breath away. In the entire time I was travelling I never saw anything that even came close to comparing to the beauty of my old homeland in spring. I’m afraid those are all the extraordinary details I can remember,” Rath smiled at the black wolfess, nodding in conclusion to his description. Hopefully his answer had been sufficient for her.
As he continued to follow Cwmfen, he listened to her brief description of Mew Sadira, the pack musician and how he should possibly seek out her mate as well if he was unable to borrow the proper tools from her. With every portion of advice Cwmfen gave him, Rath did his best to log it away in his mind in hopes he would be able to recall them when he needed them.
It was not much longer before they reached the borders of Berwick. Upon observing the various dwellings, Rath couldn’t help but nod in satisfaction. This area was perfect. “I whole-heartedly agree with you, Cwmfen. I’ve barely set foot in this place and I already like it.” He paused to hear the woad warrior indicating that the forest he had been so eager to find a dwelling near to was a little further south. “I think that I would like to search closer to this forest you mentioned. The closer I live to the forest, the shorter the distance I’ll have to carry the raw materials I need to make things with,” Rath replied, smiling as he resumed walking, pausing a few paces away to see if Cwmfen would continue onward with him. She had already sacrificed her time to lead him this far. He certainly would understand if she wished to go, but on the other hand he certainly didn’t mind her company either.

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