Catch 22
I saw your scarcity notice, Amber, and I don't mind waiting until you're ready to reply, whenever that may be. <3

The boy was rather comfortable, having established himself to his content in this new place that he could now call home. He hadn't met anyone else but Faolin, though admittedly he was a touch tentative to do so. Ordinarily he was not shy, but in all honesty they belonged here more than he did, and he had a slight desire to make a good first impression. Faolin had noted one of them as "different", and still he did not grasp the extent of that word, but just the same, he did not want to get into any trouble or become a burden to anyone. Thus, exploring a little more on his own today certainly couldn't hurt anything or anyone, and his small paws delicately directed him toward the borders so that he couldinvestigate the things outside of the clan territory. He wanted to know it inside and out.

He probably looked foolish, gawking at the trees that way, fore legs splayed slightly and bobbing his head this way and that, trying and failing to catch a glimpse of the creature that had evidently darted for cover.
"Hel-lo?" he asked rather than stating it in a confident manner. He wasn't entirely certain what she? smelled like, only that there was a distinct coyote tinge to it. But it did not smell like Inferni, of that he was more or less certain. Hesitantly, he stepped forward a couple of strides, straightening himself out to look half-way proper. Large coyote ears flopped back on his head and then swiveled to face the front a few times before he was at all satisfied. Either the thing would remain still and silent, make an escape, or attack, and he sincerely hoped that it would not be the former, so close to the border.

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