one safe place
I want something good to die for

To make it beautiful to live

___.Yawning, the girl made her way out of the house. She had found her sleeping habits being disturbed by the young ones that were growing more rapidly in her stomach. Faol had to make it a habit of going to sleep early, to wake up after dawn. She also had to take naps through out the day. Her stomach was much more noticeable now, and she could feel her increasing weight. She was a month away and the time was flying by much quicker than she had anticipated. What could she do? The temperature was warming up a bit over the last couple of days, not enough for the snow to melt, but it was noticeable. Hopefully by February it would not be too cold. With all kinds of family returning she would have plenty of others that would be willing to help and look after the little ones she had, however many that would be.

___.As she padded her way through the forest a familiar scent caught her nose and she decided to follow it. Jesile was a sweet boy and she had already taken a liking to him. Creamy paws took her forward, she poked her rusty coloured muzzle out from a couple branches rimmed with pine needles and noticed him walking down the beach. She quickly picked up her pace and fell into step beside him. "I see you have settled in quite nicely. I'm glad you had decided to stay," she smiled warmly. She had given him a brief rundown of Inferni and showed him a place to stay, but this had been the first time since she had been able to catch the boy before he was off in the morning. Sleep had found her early in the evening and right up and past dawn. It must have been that he rose early. Gabriel had already starting fussing over how much she was eating and she was happy to have caught her own breakfast this morning.


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