There's nothing there, it's like eating air

occ- Word count- 200+

Vexx had been asleep, strangely while sitting up rather than laying down. He didn't know how he could do it, but it came naturally to him. His favorite place to be was a cliff right ouside of his current den, overlooking the entire beach. He loved the view, definitely, but it wasn't quite enough to get his mind of himself. Even though he hadn't been here long, Vexx was disappointed to have not recovered his memeory yet. There was nothing familiar at all to him anywhere. There had to be something that could trigger his memory. Something...

He woke, looking straight at the beach. The beautiful sunset washed over his fur colors, but not his eyes. Strange, they were. Vexx wondered if his eyes were magical. They held great strengths and weaknesses, but they just seemed unusual overall. He turned his head, a white glimpse catching the corner of his eye. He swept around scanning the area carefully. He knew something was there he just didn't know what. "Hello? Who's there? Come out! Now!" Vexx snarled, not taking the chance at this being a hostile or not.


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