one safe place

His senses seemed to ignite. The familiar scent and the sound of the pine branches jostling ever so gently snatched his attention and he turned his head over his shoulder, pausing to greet the girl with excited grin. When she caught up to him, he resumed walking, eager to talk to her about anything and everything.
"I am too!" he affirmed with a smile. "How are you?" It was nice to think of someone else again, rather than worrying about his own well-being. He regretted that he hadn't spoken with her or even seen her since the day that she had invited him to stay in Inferni, but she was here now, and so he could make up for that. The boy's eyes shone brightly as he glanced up at her, continuing to walk beside her, and he hoped that he would be able to make up for that sort of thing for a long time to come. Especially if Segodi were to return.

Once again, the idea of his entire family all together ignited something in his heart the way his senses had ignited only moments ago. He was a few months from being an adult yet, but when that day finally came, and if his ― no, their ― father had not shown up, maybe he would be able to take some time to go look for him! Finally, after having run this through his mind so many times, he decided that when the time was right, or when the topic was brought up, he would talk to Faolin about it. She was, after all, the only one he could really talk to at the moment, and she was his family. If he could ask anyone about it, and if there was anyone who deserved or cared to know about it, it was her.

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