But she swam too far -Complete-
OOC – I was wrong about posting order – it does have to be maintained. The order is Tamerlane, Skoll, Moon Phoenix, Dierdre Rhiannon. Also remember that posts have to be at least 200 words each; Dierdre, you have to edit at least another 59 words into your last one!

IC –
Having little mercy but for a kind of enforced, oblivious set of morals placed upon it by the now calming weather, the terrain continued to whisper thoughts of shifting once more… but mostly, it remained still. Out of the corner of his eye, Tamerlane noticed Skoll’s muscular form diving for the ground; he lent him a gaze… had he found something? It transpired it was just a hare, and the momentary suspense was lifted. The ivory traveller was aware who Skoll was, through word of Phasma Kiles – a friend who now stood high on the ranks of Fatin’s Jaded Shadows, perhaps regretting that she could not lend a helpful paw to little Ember’s plight. But Skoll was nevertheless welcome here by Phoenix, and his helpfulness clearly meant that he was no enemy of Storm. As far as Tamerlane was concerned, that was enough to feel no negativity towards the middle-aged male.

At Moon’s question, Tamerlane nodded briefly in approval before gesturing briefly that Dierdre join him venturing to the right. He had developed a certain fondness for Pilot’s mate; she was an incredibly friendly, gentle creature, and yet wholly damaged; and because she seemed unsure as to what exactly she should be doing, Tamerlane motioned that the two of them team up. Moon was off to the left, and as for Skoll – you seem a fine digger, sir, he commented; I imagine you could put that to good use. As Dierdre and Tamerlane headed off to the right, the nimble Spaher wrapped his long hands around a thick branch, and pulled himself easily up into a tree – a better view, a finer way of spotting the child. Am I right in thinking that Ember has dark fur? he asked, turning sinuously to look down at Dierdre.

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