Ocean and Atlantic; Joining
before you tell yourself

it's just a different scene

She was a little new at border-guarding. She'd only met one new wolf so far other than this one, and things had gone all right...a fact that she felt encouraged by. Thinking about it made her tail twitch a little, the tip flicking a bit behind her. "No worries; everyone's got to start somewhere, right?" Dierdre had never had to "start" somewhere; she had always lived here. If not Storm then somewhere on the lands. She'd met Phoenix after her mother had left her, and the friendly male had quickly become a father figure for her. Dierdre seemed to attract a lot of alphas; her other adopted father, Physe, had been the alpha of Chimera and Aremys before his death a few months past.

"Pleased to meet you, Nocht. I think that Storm could use a few more lonely wolves; we'll be sure to cheer you up. I've got to ask you a question first, though, one that's required of me. What sorts of skills do you have that might benifit Storm? If I might ask, too,--and if you don't want to tell me you don't have to--what's that?" She'd never seen something like this before. A piece of something was attached? No, stuck through a part of the newcomer's nose. Wasn't it painful? She was interested. Dierdre knew what tattoo's were, but no one had ever told her about piercings.

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