miracles will happen as we dream;
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... annerx.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

The night was still young and full of promises. Honoré inhaled deeply, taking a fair amount of crisp evening air into his lungs. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so free-spirited. Not having to worry about food or shelter was wonderful. A soft greeting drifted over to his ears and the Loas turned toward the owner of such a soothing melody, as if to make sure it wasn’t eventide’s breeze playing tricks on him. It wasn’t. What he saw brought a smile to his lips; a petite female with a pelt similar to his in color.

“Salut mam’zelle,” he replied amiably, not stopping to realize that perhaps the girl did not know what it meant. She seemed like a smart cookie though; it probably wouldn’t take her too long to catch on. His smile widened when she brought forth a question and he nodded affirmatively, confirming the fact that there was indeed something interesting looming high above their heads. Eyes of metallic bronze returned to the heavenly bodies, absent-mindedly searching for the brightest one of the bunch.

“Been feeling lucky lately. Waiting for a shooting star,” he stated matter-of-factly, somewhat giving the impression that comets were a frequent phenomenon. The arctic wolf moved over to the left, giving the emerald-eyed wolfess an opportunity to take a seat beside him if she wished to. “Would you like to join me, mam'zelle?”


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