Surrender what you are,


She had won. Relief washed over the Koios girl as the male’s hand opened, revealing the piece of jewelry that had once belonged to Aiden’s mother. She glanced up at him for a moment, wrinkling her nose suspiciously. Was this one of his tricks? It didn’t seem like it, but she exerted caution nonetheless. Alexey didn’t know what he was capable of. After all, he’d gone from unbelievably charming to the devil himself within a split second. Shaking the negative thoughts out of her head, she hesitantly reached forward and took possession of what was rightfully hers. A ‘thank you’ almost escaped her mouth until she remembered that he deserved none.

Alexey felt a little better when the Stormbringer male finally apologized. However, the pout adorning her face did not fade away. It was his next comment concerning Aiden that finally got her speaking once again, a worried expression replacing whatever resentment she’d felt a few seconds before. “Is he okay?” she questioned, a hint of urgency present in her voice. The Dahlian woman assumed that he was in no critical shape or else Kol would’ve said something. That didn’t change the fact that she still worried about him.

The male introduced himself and Lexey repeated after him, attempting to pronounce his name. “Dreyrugr,” she murmured to herself; an odd name indeed but it had a nice ring to it. “A woman like me?” Now she was intrigued. What exactly did he mean by: “a woman like you”? Surely he couldn’t have meant it as a compliment! All he knew about her was that she was unbelievably klutzy (or gangly according to him). Lexey didn’t know if she should return the compliment. She was too shy to say anything coherent and referring to his good looks would only make his ego even bigger.


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