I can smell the ocean air.

ooc: I love yours! And the avatar is really really cool, too! I wish I could do avatars like that; I made this table and avatar and they're okay for now, because I really don't like rping without a table...but your stuff is always so cool <3 I'm jealous!

secretly falling apart

Pain, then a warm feeling over her eyes. The pain was ebbing away a little bit at a time, and after Faolin stepped back she felt like it would be okay to open her eyes. If she'd have had fingers she would have tried to wipe them off for herself, but the girl hadn't mastered shifting yet. She hadn't even tried, really. Maybe Faolin would be a good person to ask about that; Empusa was terribly curious about it. Had Monet been able to shift? She couldn't remember.

She felt a shock go through her. She couldn't remember Monet! White, her mother had been white. And very big. She didn't want to forget about her; she tried for a few moments to remember something, anything, and came up with a few scattered memories. Her and mom running around through the city...her and mom meeting a scary monster in the subway system. Those were the two things that really stuck out. It scared her that she might forget about her mother, about how she'd lived with her. Enjoyed her company. She missed her a lot sometimes, sometimes so much that she didn't think she could bear living in Inferni another minute. She wanted to go out and search, search until she either found Monet or was satisfied that she was no longer alive.

Inferni was her home now, the place Monet had told her to go and live. So here she would stay. But that didn't stop the irrational feeling that there was something she was supposed to be out there doing that she wasn't doing.

She looked up at Faolin when the matron spoke, realizing now that her eyes were clear. "Thank you very, very much! I could not see" Faolin had been the first one that she'd met here in her new home, besides the leader. The one that, for reasons unknown to her, had decided to try and help her out. She was as much of a mother to Empusa as Monet had been; even moreso, in some ways. But, she now realized, she didn't know a lot about her. Either of them about each other, really. "Of course!" She picked the sandy bird up by its neck, unsure of how else to grip it, and started to drag it up the beach. She'd get to talk to Faolin over dinner, maybe...she'd ask her everything.


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