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With a few sweeps of her fingers, Ryan brushed away any strands of hair that had remained on her shoulders. It was kind of exciting, this change, even if a haircut wasn’t anything too major. "The same," Ryan responded then, looking towards Corona. "Trying to keep this little one in check," she grinned playfully, looking back to Valkyrie as the girl pawed some more at the discarded hair. The little girl looked up to find both pairs of eyes resting on her, so she beamed back a smile. Being cute always made grown-ups say funny things. "I’m Valkree," she told Corona, before sniffing at the hair. The bright blue eyes crossed as she tried to focus on a few strands that seemed to have stuck to the moisture of her nose. "Uckk," she cooed, using a paw to try and swipe it away. Once successful, she looked back towards the grown-ups.


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