live vicariously
DaVinci was impressed to see his young nephew up and in his luperci form. He didn't have very fond memories of the first time he'd shifted.. and it had taken him a long time afterwards to even believe that he'd wanted to shift after that. Now it seemed that it was a much needed way of life at times and helpful. He still could remember the darker days lurking in the back of his mind but he really didn't want to think that far back.. his life had taken on a lighter tone since then and walking down memory lane wasn't his favorite thing to do, no mater the memory at had. He had very few good ones that didn't trail off to some sadder note.

Seeing Haven made him miss his two children even more, another hollow aching in his heart that he couldn't fill and though he'd never expected to have to learn to be a father so soon he didn't regret a moment of it. He smiled at Haven's little joke and pushed his own worries and thoughts aside as he wrapped his arms around the small guy before letting him go as Haven piped up with a small series of questions.

DaVinci frowned slightly as he ran a hand through his hair. "It's been a hard winter but most of the pack has faired well. Your grandmother passed away not long ago.." he said, pausing a moment at the feelings that tried to surface as he shook his head and went on. "Ty and Skylar went to visit their mother down south but I'm hoping come spring they'll be making it back here again." The pack seemed very lonely with the lack of his two children chasing one another across the lands and throwing a bit of noise into the wake of the otherwise peaceful world of Phoenix Valley. He really did hope that soon they would come home.

The movement between the pumpkin hued boy's fingers and a flash of light caught DaVinci's attention suddenly as he asked, "What you got there?" Seeing how the boy seemed to have come from Halifax lords knew what he'd picked up along the way, but DaVinci himself knew the place was filled with treasures of all types.

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