they whisper words into my ears.

I love Shakadyn >> I just wanna eat him. He and Naniko are like. Polar opposites. And I like your writing style, by the way.

Sometimes she didn’t know why she did some of the things she did. It could have been abandonment issues, but was that really all? Everyone in her life that she’d ever gotten to know had left. She didn’t have a lot of friends, not even a handful of them…and she spent more time around animals and pups than she did fully grown wolves. Maybe it was that she didn’t like to act her age; she’d been told by others that she was far too friendly, too trusting to survive. But here she was.

There were times that she wondered why she was still here, while the rest of her family had moved on to other lands. Why hadn’t she gone with them? Some days it was hard to get up, easier just to sleep past the sunrise, straight through the morning, past the afternoon.

Sometimes, she’d read, humans had problems like hers. She’d heard that it was called a “mid-life crises”…but she was far from middle aged. Naniko was just over a year and a half old, the oldest child from the mating of Kaelyn Trickery and Roman D’angelo.

Maybe her problem had to do with the losses. When she had lost everything, when the crying and carrying-on is was all over, there was only one thing that she’d done. Gotten back up. Started smiling again. She would never meet someone as considerate, loving, and loyal as her mate had been, would never find another wolf as kind as Iskata had been. But that wouldn’t keep her from looking, and trying to emulate their behaviors herself. They had been so wonderful to her while she’d known them…she would do the same for somebody else.

She lay down in the snow for a few more minutes. The snow had made the decision for her…she’d need to take a longer break, it seemed. She closed her eyes, feeling warmed by the brightness of the sun overhead. Her pack was pushed up over her back, a few of the herbs spilling out of one of the pockets. It was that strong smell that made her jade eyes look up, only milliseconds before the words were spoken. She jumped, scrambling up onto her knees, eyes wide. ”I, well, I decided that I ought to give up. I didn’t realize I had an audience”

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