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oh… yeah…

The sand was a cushion beneath her, cradling her body as she sat beside him. A small smile grasped her lips, pulling the corners upward. She let it happen, eyes on the bottle that he placed between them. There was no mistaking what was held inside. It was a stormy kind of night, a thunderous kind of mindset and she knew that a hurricane brewed within the glass container. Finger gripped the neck, feeling the heat of the liquor instantly. Though there was no true reason to, Anu paused. She didn’t need to answer him, knowing that she was certainly strong enough. Everything that had passed through her skin in the last months had prepared her for far harder drinks. Still, she felt something stir inside. Even before the alcohol hit her lips.

We’ll see, I guess. Her voice was confident, sarcastic even. Feeling the weight of the bottle in her hand she was glad it was still so full. It would take every drop to loose the feelings that had been threaded deep within every inch of her. Eyes closed she tipped her head back to take her first swig. It was as large as a deep inhale, and the gulp made her eyes water and her mouth spark into flames. Anu took the pain, savoring it right along with the flavor. It would soon be gone, she knew. All she needed to do was endure just a few more before her tongue and throat became immune to its burn.

It fell again, gently into the soft sand. Her fingers traced the neck, saying a brief farewell before leaving it for the male to retrieve. Air cooled her mouth, though the tingle remained. Her voice lost to the blaze she only gave the wolf a side ways glance. Eying him a single thought traced through her mind, was she strong enough?


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