island alone

She hadn't been to Phoenix Valley much...only once or twice. She'd never really seen a reason for coming to visit--as far as she had known, there wasn't anyone in this pack that she really knew. But then, she hadn't been around much to see who all was there. Naniko had been lost in her own little world of drama and such...and only now was she beginning to come up out of it. She had a lot to catch up on.

"As fair as the freshly fallen snow" Naniko continued what her brother said with a grin, raising her hand in a greeting. So much had happened since she'd seen him last. She knew that he was around, yes...but not where he had been staying. "Not lost, persay...just looking for a pack that's supposed to be around here." Surely he was a part of this pack--he smelled just like the lands. Or...the lands smelled like him. Naniko did not notice the other packmember, too focused on the sight of Davinci. She reached over to pat him on the shoulder, unsure if a hug would be appropriate now that they were grown. "I come bearing gifts."


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