Outside in the cold distance, A wild cat did growl

WC: 300+

His body body pushed and focused on the task at hand. This monster needed to be out of his territory, away from his packmates. With every shove he was aware of his surroundings. Every tree, ever rock and ever plant was an unnecessary resistance just helping the stranger keep his ground. Coal colored ears flickered backwards listening to Mati. Why wasn't she running? A growl of anger gave him more momentum against this beast. He was no calm in the slightest but he was more focused then ever before. This was the mindset of a warrior. Logical but aware, almost to the point of on edge. With an inverted sigh of relief his ears flickered forwards hearing he sound of tiny paws on the ground. Mati was safe no matter what happened. Soon enough she would be home in the mansions walls.

Cracking of bones sent a shiver down his spine. Why did he have to shift?! A groan of disappointment was drowned out by his heavy breathing. The larger the creature became the harder it was to push him away. By now they were a good distance away from the pack and everything was safe, with the exception Jazper. With the growth it became obvious that this stranger wasn't as feckless as the Rhiannon boy had once thought. Within seconds the male found himself winded and on the ground. Golden eyes grew large in shock with a hiss of pain as teeth tore away from his wounded arm. The smaller wolf sat on top of Jazz, triggering his need to fight for dominance. Pushing all his weight into a roll the two fought for the top position and finally the dark Knight landed on top, pulled back his right arm and flung it forwards in between his enemy's eyes.


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