
Asariel glared at the white wolf before her as he smiled. What was he smiling about? At this point they were fair opposites. He was a stuck up, arrogant, obnoxious snob and...well, Asariel wouldn't say she was perfect. Nobody was. But she wasn't a snob. She was usually a happy, bubbly character. But not now, no, not at all! At the moment she was rather moody, upset that he was so...frustrating. Why did he have to be complex? she wondered.

Asariel stared after him as he disappeared into his cabin, and she stood there, dumbfounded for a couple minutes. How dare he leave her just standing he--oh, there he was. Her eyes followed him as he motioned for her to follow, taking note of the paint in his hands. Hm, whatever was he up to? Contemplating standing there and just letting him go, (because she was mildly offended about her liking him more if he were green) she hesitated. But, deciding better of herself she sighed quietly and gave in, trailing after him. "So what are you doing with green paint?" She asked curiously, because obviously he wouldn't paint himself green. Would he? No, of course not...

Then again, at this point she put nothing past him. It then dawned upon her that he knew her name, but she did not know his. "What's your name?" She asked, "I'm afraid I didn't ask before our little...disagreement." Trust Asariel to always be forgiving. Even though he was kind of ridiculous...


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