they read you cinderella..
DaVinci hasn't exactly made himself findable lately outside of doing his normal rounds of patroling the male was often tucked away hidden in some little nook or cranny somewhere or else far from home as it was. His stormy orbs narrowed slightly as Alexey seemed to change so suddenly and he wasn't liking this shift at all. The subleader of Phoenix Valley straightened up and asked. "What's going on.." Why in the world would he need to know business from Dahlia de Mai, even if it had to do with his sister he hadn't found time to attempt to deal with the real world, was he about to find that it was probably a good thing he never found time.

Suddenly she seemed to burst out with news that made his ears fold back against his head. He'd known that his sister had had children, but only because Iskata had told him that Cercelee had mentioned it when she'd been found by the leader of the pack. Confusion flashed in his eyes as he asked. "What the hell do you mean gone? How can someone just take puppies?" He didn't want to suggest that the pack was lax on their border patrols or that even his sister wasn't fit to be a mother but it seemed to be adding up to something strange.

"Alexey.. calm down.." he sighed softly as he tried to think if he'd seen anything strange along the beaches or even if he'd noticed anyone or anything out of place in the pack. Hell, what was he thinking, he hadn't been paying attention to the packmates lately.. some leader he was.

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