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It was so easy to give. The smile she wore melting into her lips like warm wax, forming and staying, as she watched him look her over. She gave him and small nod, answering his first questions silently. The world did look more like blue skies and sunshine then the dark clouded sky they sat under. What did it matter? Who cared what she gave and how much of it? It was so easily taken, and at the moment it felt like she owned an endless supply. Giving in to the buzz, and about to slip into a further drunkenness Anu had only started to play the game of give and take.

Giving him a sly look she answered, Maybe, just maybe. Her neck straiten a tad as he finally gave what she had been asking. She laughed, a few chuckles that caused her eyes to close every so briefly. Him too? Of course it had been a female, they were nothing but trouble. Anu opened her eyes, smile forever present, and reached for the bottle that sat between them. She would drink to that. Her smile became toothed as she pried the neck from his fingers, he wouldn’t be able to hog the entire thing.

Taking a swig she tried to think back to all the times that she had been left. Though every instance had been her own fault, it boiled her alcohol ridden blood. Where had everyone gotten the idea that she wasn't worth it? Its either that, or they love you too much to ruin what you already have. Unsure how much sense she was making she ended with a huffed and defeated, Women. shaking her head slightly she let her eyes settle on him again once she had gotten her point across.

Surrendering the bottle to the male Anu let her fingers linger around its neck. Was this what it was supposed to be? Was this what her lovers had felt before being with her? Something so curious and so different. Something so unlike her that she was only drawn closer and closer to it.


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