silence fell just like a stone
No worries! :] Hahaha, that's a good reason! Tongue I'm starting to get jealous, I might have to make myself a new one..

Beppe had grown up mostly in the forest with only his parents, or on a boat with his mother, and never really had a playmate or even a place to play by himself. Now that the opportunity was available he seemed to revert to the sillier puppy phase that, while most others went through, he had to supress. Though he was older and the play had the potential to be more dangerous, he found it great fun and was finally enjoying himself the way he was supposed to. He hit the ground fairly hard, but either his body still had that puppyish spring to it or he was having too much fun to notice the blunt pressure of the stones. The coast was probably one of the more tricky places to play, but that just meant he had a head start in the other territories. He still hadn't visited many, and though the thought of adventure had been carried as a crucial plan earlier, any thought of the future had been erased.

He was pleased about the girl's concern, and also glad that it disappeared right away. As she hopped around him, her motives were made clear and Beppe rolled over once to evade her before waving his legs in the air (his motives were unclear to even him, but it felt right. A distraction, perhaps?). A surge of energy flushed through him and he jumped to his feet, crying as he spun to face the girl, "Ze tail is ze Italian's most prized possession! You must not steaaal, or you vill be punishhhed!" He shook his head back and forth as he said it, as if it added some sense of peril. Bowing again, he faked in both directions before flouncing crabwise around her side, trying to keep his own tail as far away as he could from her mouth while he approached hers. He hadn't completely accustomed himself to the rocks quite yet, and his paws were still slipping. He would be very vulnerable to a pounce or really, any downwards force, but the notion didn't cross his mind and he didn't make any precautions against it.

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