Waiting for the world to change

Words: 314

The soft-spoken voice startled her, and the lithe werewolf clapped her hands to her mouth, trying to stifle a surprised squeak as she whirled around. Her bright blue eyes were as wide as saucers as she sought the stranger who approached her. Heart hammering erratically in her narrow chest, she drew still, sizing up the small wolf lounging beneath the cover of a tree. He was her size - no, perhaps shorter - with pale, sandy-blond fur, his face partly obscured by the dark hair of his mane that feathered across one eye. Coli slowly let her claws drop to her sides, realizing that for once her life, luck had been on her side. This wolf fit the description - it had to be the man she was looking for.

"I... I know it's dangerous. I'm sorry for trespassing," she breathed, bowing her head respectfully. She had no way of knowing what rank Jasper held, or how seriously he took the rules of the packs. Either way, her instinct was to defer to his hometown authority. Her long silky hair fell forward as she bowed, hiding her anxious expression. He did not seem to be threatening her, not yet, but she always feared the unknown. Anything could happen. People snapped. Her ears fell back shyly, and she glanced up towards the lean young man, curiosity beginning to tease her. "You... Pardon my boldness, but might you be Jasper de le Poer, son of the Alpha of Chimera...? I... actually came here to find you..." A chill wind followed her statement, ruffling her thin brown fur as it stirred the loose snow on the ground. Coli tried to resist shivering, but with her nerves jangling with the acute sense of "danger", the cold was too much to resist. Her plumed tail curled about her slender hindquarters, trying to protect her from the frigid winter air.


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