island alone

She laughed when he lifted her up off the ground--Davinci was stronger than he looked by far. Naniko was a pretty big wolf! "Yep, that's it. I'm just too good for that now." She said when he released her, hanging on for a few seconds more before stepping back. She had been in Crimson Dreams for too long, perhaps--she'd forgotten what it was like to kick back and have fun in other places. Naniko had always been a self motivated, work-driven individual, so it was hard for her to forget about work and have fun sometimes.

There was another wolf there, a big white male, and she gave him a smile and nod as well. One of the other packmembers of Phoenix Valley. "Hey there, Pendez. Good to see you. I must have gotten lucky, finding two of you here. It's more conversation, though--that's always good. Anything interesting been going on here in the valley?"

She pulled her backpack off of her shoulders, taking out the medical kit. "I brought this for you guys, too. So I don't forget about it and leave with it..." She reached to hand it to the leader. "It's a medicine kit."


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