Bury me, bury me
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http://sixpop.com/files/402/february24% ... 20prof.png) bottom no-repeat #434038; color:#898883; font:9pt Georgia; line-height:1.1em; padding:1.0em; padding-bottom:21.0em; text-align:justify;">

[ooc; sorry for the lateness ;;]

Everything seemed so bright and jerky in his red eyes, it all had shape yet it didn't at the same time. Breathing in quick breaths the patterned male trotted swiftly across the open land that was pouring the rain from the sky, ears back slightly as his feet moved unevenly in the wet grass an mud; the odd feeling that the strange woman forced on him still lingered though most was gone, as her scent still made his black noise wrinkle. " Stupid woman.." Grumbling to himself Leroy finally slowed to a stop before shifting to his two legged form, standing up slowly his patterned hand grabbed onto the side of a tree as he steadied himself against the blurry,head hurting world.

Staring down his eyes seen nothing but the strange colors and feeling in his blood that was in every part of his body, the rain fell down on his coat and it's cool touch was almost a relief to feel as the weirdness of the drug was going away. Narrowing his eyes the male was unsure what had happened between the female and himself, it was unclear if he had hurt her or what they had done as it was all a mass of moving pictures an sounds that made no sense to him.
Looking up his body slowly moved into a automatic motion of actions, his black and white body moving into the white fog as the rain fell on his shoulders and head in its never ending rhythm. Slowly, ever so slowly a house seemed to come into view as his body halted for a moment, red eyes studying the building as another wolf seemed to be there; though he couldn't be sure with his eyes at the moment, but his nose could smell something-someone- that was slightly familiar.

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