crisp walks

Alarice didn't seem to mind that their conversation had turned from flirtatious to its current toned down state. With barely a blink in between Alarice answered Tamerlane's question with a smile. I've been drawing since I was young and stumbled across someone with the knowledge during my travels. I've been fascinated with it ever since, and i'm slowly learning the skills on my own. She answered, looking at his markings up and down as she spoke. Her smile turned amused as the thought of drawing Tamerlane crossed her mind, but she did not offer to do so, yet. Drawing is one of my passions. She explained, looking up at Tamerlane. Maybe I could teach you thing or two with a pencil or brush in the future. That is if you haven't gotten tired of me yet. The last was said with a flashy grin, and spark in her eye.


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