To sleep, perchance to dream
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ooc: Is it okay if this is pushed ahead a few days, to March 28th? Cercelee just adopted some orphans. Smile
I've got soul but I'm not a soldier

The Adonis sat down beside him, gingerly adjusting herself so as not to strain her back. Slay glanced up with concern in his pale gaze, not having realized that she was recovering from a fight. "You fought someone from Inferni? Damn! You should be more careful!" He winced as the words blurted out, and glanced away, embarrassed. He knew it would be an insult to offer concern to the warrior, and he had not intended to sound like a nagging hen. Still, it worried him - his own Cercelee had gotten into a fight not too long ago, although it had been with one of their own packmates. It was an unspoken agreement not to mention it around, but the image of Cer, her white fur stained pink with blood, was ingrained into his memory. "I just meant, take care of yourself," he amended gruffly, sighing. He was never around when others needed him, was he? The only wolf he'd managed to help had been Hanna, and then he had turned around and broken her heart. Life was cruel like that.

"Thought about pups? Well, not until last night!" Slay snorted, shaking his head with a comical resignation. It surprised him to see such a glint of mischief in Cwmfen's eye, but no topic was too bold for Slay. "I'm not exactly father material, so I had at least planned on waiting some time before bringing that up. But last night, one of Cercelee's distant relatives dumped a litter of five on our doorstep! I couldn't believe that anyone would entrust their children to me. I assume they had no idea I was living with Cercelee." He smiled lopsidedly, letting his tail thump playfully against the muddy ground. The mated pair had decided to accept the unexpected responsibility, and raise the de Sadira siblings as members of Dahlia de Mai. What with Firefly's sons, Deuce's daughter, and now their adopted children, there would be pups everywhere! He might complain, but Slay was a good-hearted wolf, and he would do his best to look out for them. It just secretly worried him that Cer would be too busy to help out, and the pups would rely on him too much. Cwmfen didn't seem like the motherly type, though. This might be the one topic they'd discuss that she might not understand.

He easily accepted the subject change when it presented itself, smiling at the memory of his shy acquaintance. "Oh, Rath! He seems like a good guy, reliable and such. I'm sure he's gonna fit in well here. As to troubles, well, not really... At least not something I can put my paw on. It's funny that I ran into you just now, because I just had the first dream I can remember in a long time...!"


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