this pain feels so good

cake"I cannot tell you your path," Bane replied idly, as if wholly unconcerned with this. Figuring out control was her journey; the most he could do was listen. He believed that the strong would survive, and this applied to all aspects of life; if she truly wanted to learn to control herself, then she would. If she was meant to learn to control herself, she would. It was written, and nothing he said would matter in the end. She would walk there, where she had been guided.

cakeListening with interest to the woman's explanation, Bane absorbed in the name of the individual that had scarred up Catherine's eye. He didn't recognize it. There were few he met whose names he didn't collect for his mental records. It didn't occur to him to think of the blackbird he had met outside the hospital that night, when the snow had still coated the ground. "No," Bane replied, "I've never met anyone who goes by that name. Can you see out of it?"


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