when it rains

Hybrid could not decide if he liked or disliked the rain. He supposed he could remain indifferent to it until he made up his mind, but he doubted he would even consider examining the topic unless, well, it rained again. A particularly large rain drop landed on his nose; he frowned, pulling his head back slightly. He looked up, curious to see who was at fault, only to realize there was no one around him. The sky stretched on for ages, dark and gloomy above him, but light and airy off in the distance. He remained still for a few moments, staring at the lighter clouds, but was unable to summon any emotions. He did not feel envy nor disdain; how strange.

With nothing better to do, Hybrid set off to peruse the territorial borders. He doubted anyone would be foolish enough to wander by Inferni on a day like this, but Hybrid was constantly being surprised at how stupid some creatures could be. It was still raining as he made his way along the Easternmost edges of the territory. He was soaked through and through. He paused only long enough to shake his fur before continuing on.

Eventually, the rain eased up. Again, he could see the sun off in the distance. The sun was higher now, partially obscured by clouds. He had been wandering out here for two hours. Still, nothing. There was no anger, no remorse. He did not regret spending two hours wandering about (aimlessly), and could not decide if this was a good thing. Perhaps it was not.

He set off, making his way back to the heart of the territory. The ground squished and leaked beneath his paws, the dirt turned to mud and the trees bearing more water than fruit. Of course, these trees would not bear anything for many more months. There was nothing here. Just a few trees, some wet sand, and some dirt. Nothing was worth his time. He sighed. He should sit down soon. He had nothing better to do anyways (so why not?)

That was when he noticed her. A coyote, some female or other, sitting on a log only a few paces away. She was wet (soggy?) and did not seem to be doing anything in particular. Hybrid yawned; how boring. He sat down, eying the girl. He flicked his ears forward, curious to see if she would say anything, but otherwise remained still.

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