nonconforming as can be
Sorry for the slow reply!

Since his return, Moon had been trying his hardest to search out his family members and rekindle his relationships with them. So far he had only met his father, Phoenix, on the day of his return, and now he wanted to search out his younger siblings. He didn’t think of them as his ‘adoptive’ siblings at all, because he truly felt that he was Phoenix’s son. But being a big brother didn’t mean much at the moment. He might have younger siblings but he hadn’t been around much since their birth, so he felt bad about their growing up without him. They might remember him as a shy bigger brother, but he had changed a lot in the last few months. "Hey there Kansas," he said, looking at his little brother as he slid on the ice. Smiling at the softly golden pup, Moon sat down on the edge of the lake in his four-legged form and watched him. Did Kansas remember him?


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