when it rains
The girl said something, and immediately, Hybrid snapped to attention. He eyed the woman as she said something – something that rhymed? – cautious of a possible threat. He did not know if he could trust this girl or whether she was a threat. He did not recall her face too well (or at all) and was unaware of her intentions. He had been attacked in Inferni before; he was not about to let those lessons go to waste. Hybrid gazed at her, frowning slightly, trying to determine her intentions. April showers? May flowers? March rain? Just girl stuff. He snorted and grimaced slightly. He resisted the urge to roll his eyes; girls. They were so... flowery. He chuckled. And he was so damn witty.

She was watching him. He frowned to himself, uneasy with the attention. He hoped she was not studying his scars. He had a few new wounds as a result of his spar with the black and blue wolf and he was not proud of it. A truly proficient fighter would be able to defeat their enemies without being injured. Somehow, this made Hybrid feel... inept. Inept at the only thing he was talented at.

Her gaze shifted. Hybrid tilted his head, watching her. She spoke. He frowned. "Yeah?" he replied flatly. "Say it, then," he commanded.

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