Improper Methods
ooc: No worries ^_^. I hope you feel better. My life has become increasingly busy of late, which is why I haven't started any new threads for Rath, even though I want to XD.
Words: 500+

ic:The ruddy hued male had allowed his gaze to wander to the building behind the white female. Its construction was quite fascinating to him, as he had recently gained the desire to one day construct a building out of wood, just like his father had done. However, he first needed tools before he could try and construct anything. His thoughts wandered for a moment before he abruptly returned his attention to the green eyed wolfess before him. What had she just said? She was Mew Sadira. He had just been asking the very individual he had been seeking out where he might find her. How embarrassing. His ears tilted back slightly as his nervous, timid personality slowly began to take hold of his actions once more. However, he then trained his eyes upon the white femme's hand which she had extended to him in a gesture of greeting. Remembering his manners, he gently clasped Mew's hand with his right hand and shook it softly, returning her gesture. "I'm glad to finally meet you. When I first joined the pack, Slay told me I should try and find you and then I met Cwmfen and she told me the same thing. You see, I was wondering if you might have any extra tools I could borrow, just until I find some of my own. I can't build anything without the proper tools, and both Slay and Cwmfen said you would be the person to talk to," he explained, deciding it was best to let her know why he, a strange newcomer, had been specifically looking for her. It seemed like the polite thing to do.
His sense of embarrassment quickly faded after shaking the female's hand. She seemed friendly, and she had certainly not given him a reason to be nervous around her. As such, he forced himself to smile and calm down, suppressing his urge to start rambling on about something completely irrelevant to the present conversation. However, his memory of what Slay had told him about Mew quickly aroused a question in the tall, ruddy hued male. "Slay mentioned that you carved your own guitar? I don't mean to be rude, but is there any chance I could see it? I made a guitar myself once, and it has been quite a few months since I have played one. I had to leave it and all of my late father's tools at my old home when I decided to go off on my own. That was a decision I have regretted ever since I left over half a year ago," he sighed and shook his head knowing that such things did not matter at present. He was simply curious to see the instrument that Mew had made with her own two hands, if indeed the rumor was true. What wood had she used? What did she use for strings? What did it sound like? These questions fluttered through his mind as he awaited the white hued wolfess' answer, hoping she would agree to show him her instrument.

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