Karaoke and Kabuki

The tipsy-tender had been a job his siblings had always fought over. Zerstorung and Amarelo had won in the end but Sedition had done it for about a week. It wasn’t a job he enjoyed though, he much preferred mixing drinks than dealing with the after effects of them. After all, he was a lover not a fighter. "It was alright, got to do it for about a week once. Ended up with a concussion or something like that.” Vorr’ had apologized ad nauseum about that punch but he knew she hadn’t meant it.

As Kieran took the drink and the nameless female declined the rocket fuel Sedition mixed up a gin and tonic and set it in front of her with a smile. She didn’t seem the “tell my life story” kind of girl but Sed liked to think that this was a safe atmosphere to enjoy themselves. "Gin and tonic, nice little drink with only a little bite.” He added afterwards, "You got a name ma’am?” He had a flash of her beating the crap out of him if he called her girl or likewise flirting. Better safe than in a coma. He poured himself another drink and then rooted through his satchel. Pulling out a very small joint he exhaled and set it aside mainly wanting to gauge the reaction of the others before he started smoking. After all back in Berowick the tribe had been divided on their opinion of the drug. Bleeding Souls still had those that wandered around in four-legged form, anything was possible.

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