just another good vibration


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"I can't really say I've met anybody whose life wasn't," she countered, her tone matter-of-fact and somewhat indifferent. She had her fair share of grotesque memories and mental images to haunt her, but so far it seemed like nearly everybody carried a similar burden. Few seemed to leave happy-go-lucky lives, especially beyond the blissful ignorance of childhood. Where they differed was how they managed to cope with their respective pasts.
Then, her attention was diverted away from the conversation, and she perked up a little. "Hey, check this out," she said. Two lines of colourful tents stood as sentries on either side of the walkway, and the first one already caught her attention. There was nothing very useful here, but there were strange pictures unlike she had ever seen before. They looked like humans, except the proportions were all wrong (especially on the heads). They struck her very queerly, and although she was interested, it was derived from the "inability to look away from a car wreck" effect. Normal humans were odd enough to begin with, and these ones looked... downright disturbing.

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