
Geneva had taken up residence in the old ranch house, taking a spare room down the hall as her own. She was sure this was much to Jefferson's chagrin, and a smile touched her tired features at the thought. He hadn't said anything, but she hadn't really seen him recently. She was certain he was busy, attending to the pack. She was pleased to hear - through the grapevine at least - that the pack seemed to be growing and thriving. She had only begun to partake of her responsibilities before the attack at the borders. Her joints were stiff, and it hurt to move. She was cautious these days, moving slowly as her body and mind healed from the incident.

It had left her shaken, and she had never properly thanked DaVinci for saving her life. She had no idea how she would convey her gratitude. It was just another thing to weigh on her mind. She heaved a sigh as she sidled gingerly out of the hallway, lime green eyes scanning for any sign of company. She had been avoiding everyone - especially Jefferson - recently, not wanting to explain the bruising and scabbing of her body, or why her eyes tightened whenever she moved. The pain would fade, but she wasn't certain that her shame would.

Geneva's eyes found the front door, and she figured she should check for Addison. Although the girl was growing day by day, as children often did, Geneva still felt the need to keep a close eye on her. If the girl was outside playing, she would call her inside. Perhaps she could read to her. The idea brightened her mood considerably as she went to the door, opening it slowly. Lime green eyes cast to the ground, instead of seeing the small shape of Addison, her eyes encountered the shape of a full grown male. "Ah, hello," she intoned quietly, wondering why the man was sitting in the rain.


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