when it rains
She was slow. Hybrid stared at her -- unabashed, frank -- as she took her time to steady herself. And she took quite a bit of time. Hybrid rolled his eyes. How many times did one have to breath in and out before they were ready? Just say it, damnit, say it, sayit, sayit, SAYIT. Hybrid frowned. His mind was screaming at him -- at her -- but he still could not feel it. All he could feel was the quiet ebb of the echoes as they dissipated.

And then she spoke. Hybrid's frown deepened and he wondered for a moment if he was imagining things. No, that did not make sense. "I don't have sex with females," he replied, his words tinged with the overlay of disgust. Clearly undisguised disgust. Females were abhorrent. The only ones he could recall having sex with were all male: Vitium, Samael, Jasper, Pilot, and Ryan. None were girls. None of them was this girl. She looked a little like Ryan, but he could not tell. That night muddled and mixed. He knew Pilot and Ryan had been there... but who was this woman?

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