you're taking one down
He had never, of course, been familiar with winter before, and he had no reason to see the drastic disappearance of snow as a blip in the data. However, the young boy was captivated by the sudden changes in weather and precipitation that occurred this particular winter, in this particular place that was new to him (evidently) in nearly every way. As he casually wandered his way around the territory, he found himself not feeling the slightest twinge of lonelines, as he was beginning to understand the positives of spending time alone, but when he discovered the scent of another boy on the breeze and caught a glimpse of him, he felt a raise in spirits. Jesile rolled his shoulders a little and sprung into a graceful trot, approaching the other boy who appeared scuffed. When he closed to a comfortable distance, he came to a full halt and regarded the other with a docile expression. "Hey," he offered.

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