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Pessimists, optimists, realists. At his age, he had no idea which he was; a complicated mixture of the three, perhaps. As a common rule, he tried to look on the bright side; it was always hope-lifting to do so. Best to do so, the one that was supposed to make you feel better about your situation. Even when the hope created by the feeling was false, who really cared? It gave a wolf something to strive for, even if they were striving for something that never existed, or what they would never be able to claim as their own. But, although he did try to do this, it was not something that he did well. His mind would be dragged down with the 'if's and 'but's of the circumstances, until the thought, to bare reason for being an optimist, was scraped away. Clawed raw. A realist... was any puppy a realist? The world seemed too big for most of them to understand, even when they were almost an adult, so he dared not think of himself as anything close to someone that looked at things through the eyes of logic and probability alone. But he did try.

Yet, he had not expected to fall face-first in front of the complete stranger before him. It just didn't seem likely, which might have meant that he was not paying close enough attention - he had, after all, been quite clumsy as of late, due to his growth. Damn legs, and damn height; they all added up to him looking like a fool. Yes, yes; I'm fine. The male jumped to his feet, being careful that his paws were planted firmly on the ground, before gingerly following the coyote.

Sorry 'bout that. He smiled sheepishly. Who're you?


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