Press your lips to the sculptures


The sun was setting behind Halcyon Mountain in the distance, submissive to the crescent-shaped figure that now loomed high above the Caregiver’s head. Nightfall was here. A cool breeze rippled through her tawny fur, murmuring sweet nothings to her ear. The world was slowly falling into slumber, but not Alexey. Sleep was futile and unimaginable. Now wasn’t the time to rest; Conor was still missing. The Koios woman still had a hard time digesting the fact that Firefly had staged the whole thing. Her stupidity had landed one of her sons in real trouble and although Lexey sincerely hoped for the best, there was still the possibility that Conor was dead.

Alexey desperately tried to chase the gloomy thoughts from her mind but doing so was getting much harder now. It had been nearly a month since she’d last seen his gorgeous eyes of sapphire blue. She too, had spent countless nights weeping over his disappearance. Unlike the child though, she'd had someone there to comfort her. Conor’s scent, though faint, hung in the atmosphere. At first she’d assumed her imagination had tricked her nose into smelling the puppy. But as time went by, it grew heavier and heavier. Lexey had never considered herself to be much of a tracker but she was drawn to those kids like a magnet. In the last month or so, her sense of smell had developed greatly.

Now that she could decipher the child’s whereabouts, both excitement and fear overtook her mind and soul. She could smell him but no movement was detectable. What she was about to find would change her life forever, be it good or bad. Her every step mirrored uncertainty. As she stepped foot inside the deteriorated building, Lexey had to halt and take a deep breath to regain her composure. She did not call out his name, out of fear that he might not answer.

Instead, she examined every dusty corner of the shop. It was only when she came around the counter that her honey orbs settled on a little tail sticking out from beneath. A gasp caught in her throat as she lowered herself to the floor. A little fur ball came into view and all she could do was stare, her eyes wide with shock. The form of Conor Soul was still, unmoving. His little ribs were more than evident through his fur. Alexey felt like dying right then and there. “Oh Conor,” she whispered, tears gathering beneath her eyelids. She was about to start bawling her eyes out when she saw it; his little chest rising up and down rhythmically.

“Conor?” she repeated, as if trying to convince herself that he was indeed alive. His breathing was delicate and his body was frail. How long was he going to last? The Caregiver was about to reach over and pick him up but she stopped herself halfway. What if she broke one of his ribs? From the looks of it, his bones weren’t able to withstand much pressure. So she patiently waited for him to acknowledge her presence and maybe move on his own.


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