miracles will happen as we dream;
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... annerx.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
The reply she’d given him was rather vague; Honoré couldn’t help but let a frown crease his forehead. He was smart enough to get the hint; the girl did not want to talk about whatever was troubling her. That suited him just fine. He too, often avoided talking about his past so her resentment was perfectly understandable. Even if he was slightly interested in hearing what she had to say; it was none of his business. He couldn’t stand priers and he wasn’t about to become one. Maybe one day she’d feel comfortable enough to share her life’s story.

The Québécois remained quiet until she brought up the topic of shooting stars once more. It took quite some time for him to assimilate and digest her inquiry. Hm, what would he wish for? Honoré tried to think of what he lacked in his life. Now that he had a home, he most certainly couldn’t wish for that anymore! The more he thought about it, and the clearer it became. The one thing he truly wished for was … to find his family. It was a silly wish, considering the fact that he didn't necessarily have a close relationship with any of his siblings. But he still missed them greatly.

“Maybe… find mine sisters and brother. That would be nice. Silly wish, eh?” he said with a smile, attempting to mask the embarrassment that accompanied his statement. The Loas didn’t want his new friend to think he was needy… or soft. “And you, Genève?”


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