they whisper words into my ears.

Darn. The last time she'd gone to the library snow had been piled up over the door, and she hadn't been able to get in. She wondered if it would be that way now, or if any of the snow would have melted. Did temperatures vary between the pack territories and the city? Maybe the blacktop would make it melt slower...or maybe not. She didn't know about the city, not enough to make a conclusion like that. Perhaps this entire mission had been to waste...

She brushed some of the snow off of her fur without realizing what she was doing; it wouldn't matter if she was snowy or not, as she was about the same color as the stuff...but this made her feel cleaner. A bit more presentable. It had been a long time since she'd had anything that would qualify as a conversation...she wasn't sure what to say now. The bubbly wolf was unusually quiet after his first comment, frowning, unsure of whether he was making fun of her or not. She suddenly spoke again, though, when he reached down for the backpack-- But it was too late. Some of the herbs that had spilled could cause really bad rashes, and a few of them were poisonous..."You'll want to wash your hands."

Naniko reached for her pack once it was properly organized, shrugging it onto one shoulder. "I was hoping to make it to the human city, to see if the library was uncovered. Last time there was snow all over the place, snow that would have taken me an age to dig through. What about you? Do you live here?" She didn't smell any sort of a pack on this wolf, only a strange mixture of territories and strangers. "And before. I meant that I kept falling down, and that I thought I should give up and take a rest."

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