island alone
He couldn't help but grin in spite of the thoughts that had been filtering through his mind before the appearance of his sibling. He shook his head and chuckled as he settled her down. "Well, you always were looking for bigger better things.." he winked at Naniko as he pulled himself back a few paces and got a good look at her, suddenly realizing that she didn't know a thing about his own family and life within the pack. "Did you find everything you were looking for?" he teased as he tried not to think about his family.. their family.

When Pendzez finally made his appearance DaVinci smiled at the two of them as greetings were exchanged. Too soon though Naniko asked that question that always seemed to come up when there was times to be caught up on and gossip to be spread. He frowned slightly at the thought of the news that the pack did have to share but he didn't speak up just yet, instead he took the package that she offered and grinned. "Always worrying about everyone else, though we could use it. Our Shaman left us a few moons past. We've managed fairly well but any help is appreciated." He picked at the edges of the kit as he spoke before glancing over at Pendzez.

"I'm not certain what you'd count as interesting.. I've heard recently that Pendzez here's taken a mate.." He chuckled briefly before shooting a glance at Naniko. "Speaking of family.. you're an Aunt now.. well, you have been for a while.." He knew all this talk was just him tiptoeing around the truth. He didn't want to be the one to tell her that Iskata was gone, that the woman who'd cared for her had disappeared and the pack presumed the worst. How could one just bring that into a conversation lightly..

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