
Cercelee looked at Svara, her voice firm. “I can speak to whoever I wish however I wish, and you have no say in the matter child, so learn to accept that.” If she wished to criticize Firefly, it was her right as their leader. Cercelee made no comment to Firefly as she spoke and dismissed herself, she could guess where the women was headed. Sabeen would be the women’s target and normally Cercelee would have forbid it, leaving it in the warrior’s hands. However, Cer also knew Firefly had to feel useful, feel like justice was being served for Svara, so she didn’t say anything. Sabeen brought it on herself anyway.

“Svara don’t assume to know how we think or what we’ll do. If you’ve so little faith in your pack then you needn’t stay here. I see a great injustice has been committed upon you, and I assure you action will be taken.” Cercelee couldn’t help but lecture the youth, even though she had risen into adult ranks she acted very much like a child. Like Firefly in some respects. Even if the situation on hand was desperate, Cercelee would not rush into it and forget everything else. No longer did she feel the need to accept the disrespect of those lower in rank to her.

Cercelee met Cwmfen’s gaze and nodded as the Adonis filled her in. Cwmfen words confirmed Svara’s own, no council would be needed to determine what to do with the female. “She is to be removed from the pack, whatever means you find appropriate Cwmfen, though I’d guess Firefly is a step ahead of you there. Find Sabeen as soon as you can, Firefly too.” Then she turned to Hanna and felt no resistant at issuing orders to her either, if the female was going to waltz through the borders like a member than Cer would treat her as such. “You can follow behind with me Hanna, in case anyone needs assistance later.” Medical assistance, for Dahlia members only, Sabeen would be excluded.


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