I Carry the Prince in My Arms
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... fenban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">


The body in her arms was warm, and it was a sign that the boy was still alive. Her own body was exhausted, but the woman was accustom to pushing it beyond the physical restraints and even into death. Surely that had been the case when she had been attacked by Hybrid. And those wounds now brought her greater exhaustion. Her shoulder and hip and back were under the stress of making the journey swiftly and carefully with the young coyote carried in her arms, and they were remembering that day. But the female tried not to as she stood there, anxious for an answer from someone—anyone, even if it would be Hybrid, for she believed that, if anything, at least the boy would gain the much needed aid. The woad bound ears pressed forward urgently, attempting to gain the sign of anyone’s approach. They swiveled slowly when there was nothing, moving again when still there was nothing until she had scanned the entire area. But then, after what seemed like an eternity but what had most likely been a long moment, she thought she heard someone coming.

At first, it seemed as if a dog were approaching, but then it changed quite suddenly and approached with equal speed. The anger that the Infernian radiated through those golden eyes struck the female, and for a moment she feared that he would use that anger against her. Her legs shifted instinctively as she prepared for such an attack, her arms still carefully relaxed to hold the body with gentle care. But the man did not do such a thing, and as he came near to touch the boy, she noticed a similarity in that scent. She wondered if this man were Gabriel de le Poer or perhaps the boy’s uncle, but she did not have time to ask. Nor was it the time to ask. There would be enough of that for later. The man’s gaze lifted from the boy as she felt the body go limp, and those golden orbs shone with a ferocity that was impressed upon the warrior. And she followed instinctively the command he gave.

As the guest within these lands, the warrior followed the hybrid, following the trail he made directly behind him. But her feet were quick and light as she followed at his heels. They moved north, and whatever familiarity there seemed to be of the landscape now escaped her. As she was silent, the white orbs fell to the black bird that rode upon his shoulder, and the warrior wondered suddenly where the pied Raven had gone. There was a quiet dread lingering within her gut, but she tried to push it aside. And then, almost as if on cue, the warrior’s Dream called from above. But that did not explain where the bird had been before. Normally, she would not have troubled herself with such a thing, but under the current predicament, such a worry seemed necessary. Returning her gaze to the man ahead, she told him, "His ribs are broken, but I don’t know what else may have been damaged," and the alto melody wanted to urge them forward, but they already moved quickly and could do no more.


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