a melody softly soaring through my atmosphere

She did not doubt Cercelee's honesty in that. She had been told the family was large and extensive, but one could never know how true that was until they started meeting all these relatives. She was surprised to hear that Haku was also a part of that family. She had only met the male once and it hadn't been the most pleasant meeting, though it was no fault of the brown male's. The Lt. General wished that Naniko would have conceded to kicking Leroy from the pack. She couldn't understand how the mother could stand to have him amongst their ranks. But the Commander's word was higher than her own so she had to grin and bear it. The sable woman would never trust the husky again though and if he ever tried to lay a hand on her children he would deeply regret it.

Savina did her best to push those thoughts from her mind though. This was now a happy conversation and she didn't want to bring it down with the crime of the patterned male. At the prompting she tried to think back all those months to the faces she had met. Honestly they were all fairly vague. The only one that stood out clearly in her mind was Alexey. However then the image of the interestingly marked monochromatic male came through the fog of that memory. "Oh yes! He's the black and white one, right? He was nice." She somewhat remembered an interesting energy between the light leader and that male. Apparently she hadn't been mistaken.

The pregnant wolf though to how long it would be. It had been about a month since she had realized she was carrying pups. "I think about another moon, so I'm about half way there. It's flying by though! I can't believe it's already been that much time." The little paws would be here before she knew it. She couldn't wait though. She only hoped that she was lucky to avoid any complications.


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