you will find him here.
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Hybrid's freaking me out, being so cordial XD

Onus watched the other coy carefully. He walked toward him and he saw that his eyes were red. Blood red. Was this the male that had attacked Cwmfen? Somehow he knew that it was and he hated that he was unable to exact retribution upon this creature. Now he had a face though, and a smell. That was something. He stored the information to the steel trap that was his mind. The man would access it later at a more appropriate time. For now he swallowed his mission and his pride, hard though that was for him. He wasn't a particularly prideful man, but letting someone like this stand before him unharmed did hurt whatever he had. Or maybe it wasn't pride. Maybe something else. Either way, it was something that left a sour taste on his tongue.

At the madman's response his fur bristled slightly. The murders. How did this male know that he was investigating the murder? And why was he coming to him, asking questions? This all was very odd indeed. From what he guessed, this coyote was very much a murderer himself. Yet he had not killed those in that lighthouse. That much he could tell. Some criminals wanted to play that game. Ask others about the crimes they had committed. Onus did not sense that particular madness in this man. "Have a main suspect. Cannot find him though." Oh, and how that galled him. "Know a wolf named Conri Church?" If the clanmember was willing to offer something Onus was not above taking it.


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