
Asariel didn't fail to notice his amused look. She smiled at him after noticing how his smile grew when she mentioned liking birds. She loved birds, though she couldn't understand why others didn't seem to appreciate them. She randomly noticed that he had a nice smile. Indeed, her first impression of him was that he had been a stuck up, arrogant jerk that didn't care about any others. However, her opinion was quickly starting to change. She watched him paint with piqued interest. Oh, how she wished she could do the same! She wished she had some other talent than healing and herbal knowledge...

"Everyone is an artist," she heard him say. She gave him a doubtful look. "Not me, I'm afraid..." She said softly, looking down at the brown planks that made up the picnic table. When she looked up, she was surprised to see Honoré holding out a paintbrush. Her eyes widened; "Oh, I shouldn't...I don't want to ruin it," she said, though she did take the little wooden brush from his hand. She didn't do anything at first, instead she just watched how his hand worked the brush, the paint leaving pretty patterns and designs behind. Eventually, she mustered up the courage to begin painting. Huh, whaddaya know! It wasn't as hard as it looked! She supposed she was doing pretty alright; her designs didn't come out looking like completely shit in the least, anyway. Maybe she did have a bit of talent after all...


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