You're Gonna Go Far, Kid
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Sorry again for the hellalong wait.

He had never really liked patrolling the borders. The time to himself was always welcome; he used it to think about whatever was currently bothering him. Kansas was never truly bored. His mind was always awake and twisting around the different aspects of his life. But wandering the borders of Crimson Dreams did little more for him other than to allow him time to think. Otherwise, it made him nervous. He wouldn't have known how to handle someone who stepped out of their place and into his. He seemed to forever be looking through the trees, half-expecting to see someone there but holding his breath until he was sure no one was.

The rain left his coat dirty, a soot-gray along his limbs and chest. He wasn't tired of the rain yet, for it held nothing against him. The only thing he worried about was Savina getting sick, but, now late in her pregnancy, she was indoors most of the time anyway. Kansas filled his mind with her image as he moved through the western area of his pack, tracing each detail of her body in his mind's eye. He peered ahead and, to his dismay, spotted someone alone a short distance ahead. Savina's image shattered. Sighing, the Sadira shifted quickly, brought a hand to his forehead and started toward the intruder.

He regarded the male skeptically. He was young and strong, but Kansas could not place an emotion or an intention. He spoke softly, his voice drenched with uncertainty. "What... what are you doing here, kid?"


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