You're Gonna Go Far, Kid

no worries!

Maybe, just maybe one of those pretty sisters that Haven had spoken about would trot by. He could follow closely behind and save her from stumbling into a puddle, because females could be clumsy and forgetful. Then she would look at him with a star in her eye and thank him with a full-hearted kiss. Of course Haven would see and try to protect his sisters honor, which Heath would easily win for the taking... The thought brought a smile to his face as he walked carelessly along.

Ahead the vision of a beast filled his gaze. For the briefest of moments he thought that it might just be a fragile fey. Instead as his eyes focused against the haze and rain it was nothing more then a male. Looking just as ragged and rain sodden as Heath, he approached with an obvious hesitation. The honey hued eyes took him in. First and foremost he matched their size, and noticed that the other was more on the soft side. Not scared, ragged or looking much like what he had met in Inferni.

The youth fed on the sudden increase of confidence.

How many times would he have to explain that he was no one’s son? No one’s kid. Looking at him Heath took a step, working on closing the gap that still hung between them. Was he looking for a fight? Heath was beginning to learn control, ever so slightly. But he felt the urge to curl his fingers into fists as he replayed the words in his mind. Why did no one greet him with a warm smile? What does it look like? Trampling all over your turf and not giving a dam, he thought the words but left his question to stand alone. His voice was solid in tone, who part of him was curious to know what he truly looked like. Maybe to get some insight on what brought such hard judgment from his greeters.


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