silence fell just like a stone


secretly falling apart

Empusa was having a good time, one of the best times she'd ever had. The only time she could remember having more fun than this was the time that Monet had taken her to play in the city--they'd run up and down the streets and had the best time. She would always hold the memory of her mother higher than anything else in her life--she knew that she would see Beppe again, that was certain, but she didn't think that she was going to see Monet again.

She brought herself back to the task at hand. They were a jumble of paws, teeth, and tails, and just as soon as Empusa got his into her sight it was gone again--and she was being pushed away from him. Where had that come from?! She landed on her side in the sand and lay there for a few moments, surprised and winded.


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