Robbing the cradle, like raiding the fridge
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Cwmfen had chased the deer into the place where the male wolf was waiting, but the last minute leap had caught both wolves off guard. Had they lacked instinct as humans did, the hunt would have been over with the prey lost. But instinct ruled their lives, and the heat of the hunt was the only thing that occupied the female’s mind. While Brennt had escaped the hooves that could have come down upon his head and turned to give immediate chase of the doe, the warrior moved about, changing her direction as she ran. She could not pursue the deer in the same path that the male wolf took, but to do so would have been pointless anyway. Instead, she cut a path through the trees that brought her to side just as Brennt, having shut his jaws about the doe’s flank, brought the prey animal down. The female had not realized how large the male was until this moment, but, while his size gave him an advantage, his position upon the dying creature did not allow him to make the kill.

The black fae did not hesitate as she moved in to complete the kill. With this proximity, she could smell the fear of the deer and see the eyes rolling with the whites showing. There was a quiet satisfaction within the female as she saw this display of death. With a quiet snarl that distorted her maw, the female dodged the thrashing limbs of the prey animal, ignoring the need to bit the ankles. Her hungry jaws closed about that soft throat, blood exploding into her mouth as the trachea collapsed beneath the force. The last throes of the animal caught the female in the rips, and she jumped to the side as she held the jaws about the throat. Her ribs throbbed with that sudden pain, but there was no blood or broken bones for the creature’s strength had left when her jaws had come. The rattle of death shook the doe as the flow of blood suddenly lessened with the stilled heart, and it fell limp. The woad marked fae gave a last vicious shake before unhinging her jaws and allowing the deer’s head to fall defeated to the earth.

The warrior’s pink tongue came out to lick her bloodied jaws as she looked to Brennt, her breathing only slightly labored by her efforts. A fierce smile graced her maw. The hunt was very much like the war, and though it was different, this action had been more than she had had in the past moon. For the moment, the healed warrior was satisfied. And with the fresh blood of deer within her, she knew that her hunger would be more than sated. But the female did not begin feeding yet, offering the first rites to the larger male. Stepping back from the carcass, she made this clear, and it was as if she were giving him superiority over this thing. There was a hot excitement running through her as her heart beat with the rhythm of the world. It was the excitement that followed every hunt and battle, and, though she may not yet have realized it, that necessitated something more that this male could give her, and that she would be willing to take.


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